Monday, September 01, 2008

CBIP certified professional - third paper update

Finally gave my third paper - data management. And guess what, I passed. Just missed the mastery level by a whisker. But its fine. Overall, I think the exam was tough and I did well.

I took the exam by remote proctoring. I am not sure of the extent of control of your laptop that the proctor has, I mean, to what extent he checks on programs open on your laptop/pc. I played it safe and didn't have any reading material on the laptop or paper. Anyway, there is hardly any time to refer to notes as you have to answer 110 questions in 90 minutes. That's less than a minute for a question.

Some of the questions didn't make sense, but overall the exam did test your knowledge of the domain quite rigorously. I have jotted down areas that are not that common but brought about a lot of questions. Will write in subsequent posts.

Previous Post


Murali said...


can you share what material you used for preparation of core exam?

Pedro said...

I made and passed in four exams last week. I hope in my blog during the next week to include a post related to all main material that you should read. More detais about my CBIP experience and other BI subjects could be found at



Pedro said...

I made and passed in four exams last week. I hope in my blog during the next week to include a post related to all main material that you should read. More detais about my CBIP experience and other BI subjects could be found at

