Monday, May 09, 2005

Cable no more.

We have unplugged the cable from our TV. It was getting increasingly irritating for everyone. The cablewallah hiked the rates from Rs 250 to Rs. 350 (and we really can't afford that kind of luxury, you know). The guy doesn't even show the channels that I want. No HBO or Zee English. I have hardly seen any good (English or Hindi) movies on the cable provider's own movie channels, in spite of their being 3 such channels.

And then there was the matter of the couch potato. Come home late and plonk myself in front of the TV. It is a situation I hate to be in as much as I hate the lack of self-control. It's almost as if you are zapped zombie-like by the TV Gods. Too much of time wasted watching absolute trash. Now, that we don't have cable, I have time to read (have finished the restaurant ATEOT Universe and almost through with Deception Point (Dan Brown). I read newspapers and magazines more attentively (that the TV is not on in the background). And have been able to watch DVDs without the distraction of what-might-be-on-TV at that time. So, have run through my Friends collection quite quickly. It's not yet time for more DVDs, but that is parvadable, compared to the hegemony (may need subscription) of the cable-wallah.

What I am missing is CNBC-TV18 for my daily update on the markets. But with the work getting hectic, am not doing too much trading. And anyway, moneycontrol gives a gist of all the expert analysis from their shows. So, saves the effort. Also, we are checking the option of DTH. Some of our neighbours have installed DTH in their homes, so it looks promising. And whats more, I hear CNBC-TV18 wants to beam Awaaz on that platform. More channels are hitting the DTH band-wagon

Anyway, would be glad if some reforms as mentioned in the article are able to break the cable cabal, once and for all


Anonymous said...

Parvadable. LOL. I was surprised that
you used it. Infact I actually did
dictionary search if there is such word
in English.

Anyway main point of writing is, do post
your neighbbour's reviews on DTH. How
much is installation, equipment cost?
How are channels? Overall is it going
to be approx, 330 Rs/mo, considering
interest on investment and equipment
repairs/replacement that might have
to be done say every 2 years.


Abhi T said...

Will check as requested

Anonymous said...

Am just wondering howz 'Mahila mandal' in your home is doing w/o those soap operas (mostly starting with K)! Long live cable !!

Abhi T said...

There are fine with it. They were through with K Hindi serials already. Were now hooked to Marathi serials of similar type. Thankfully, torture no more.