Monday, April 25, 2005

Presentation blues

Bad day yesterday. Had been preparing for a presentation to be done over a telephone. It was just a technical walkthrough. Now, I was not involved in the project a great deal and was uncomfortable doing the whole thing. Still had a day time to work on it, but wasnt too great.

Firstly, the telephone thing causes a big disconnect. You are not able to gauge reactions and don't know the right places to interrupt/begin at. Voices are not clear and its irritating to have to say "Can you repeat that again?"

You dont know if you want to be business-like or banter about, esp. when there are people you don't know. You are the weaker party coz he is deigning to give you work, and it puts you in an awkward position.

Anyway, enough of cribbing. The presentation is done and dusted and I have better things in life to worry about.

Like why do girls talk on phone so much? Next blog.


Anonymous said...

Abhi ..

You need to have (more) positive attitude in life, buddy!

You are the weaker party coz he is deigning to give you work ?? Why are you thinking so ? You need to come over these feelings if you really want to grow.

All the best for next presentation, I'm sure you'll do great next time.

Abhi T said...

Arey jhaale kaay ki I was not well-versed with the project details(design) as had stepped in at the last moment. There had been a conflict in offshore design approach and client's (tech team). The tech guy kept saying, that "this was ideally how it should have been done", "This may cause problems" and I was in no position to defend our design. So, it was awkward, as it wouldnt allow the presentation flow flawlessly. But no sweat.
Thanks anyway