Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Publishing problems

Have been trying to get my earlier post published for about 2 days now. My client is an impoverished organization constantly cost cutting and providing extremely frugal resources to its employees (you can rest insured).

I can't publish my blogs from office and at home I exploiting aol as much as I can (I can be skin-flint as well). So, it times out at home as well on a few occasions.

In this publishing melee, somehow, my blog got published with some weird text. I don't remember writing the last few lines in my blog. I promptly corrected it and republished.

Any guesses why it happened?

The weird text is here

Somehow, Slashdot and wired also classify as a blog and both are just full of new info about the digital woreach blank page with a finished page. Even though the first draft was wretched, with every consecutive editing, the "slug tape" would be removed and replaced with better footage. Soon it gets hard to tell which parts are the slug tape that needs to be swapped out. Writing is like editing with slug tape. Then again, writing is also like hitting your head against a wall—it feels good when you stop!slug tape that needs to be swapped out. Writing is like editing with slug tape. Then again, writing is also like hitting your head against a wall—it feels good when you stop!


Anonymous said...

It appears to be bug at blogger. Can happen if someone else's blog post mixes with yours due to:
1) Memory overlap
2) Overloaded server
3) Database bug
4) Publishing bug

Publishing is done at server end and NO processing is really done on your PC. "Percentage published" is just for information sake. Even if you close the window it does not make any difference. So once you click "publish blog" you are done..no matter how loaded your AOL line is. It should still be published.

If it takes time it means overloaded blogger server or you are posting the full blog everytime instead of just latest blog.(index file)


Abhi T said...

At my office here, when I click on publish, it times out immediately, whereas it works from home most of the time.
On what basis can a internet admin team here disable publishing
Meaning, what is the signal that I send that they need to trap, so as to say "This is publishing of a blog, not of any official purpose, hence disallow it".
The time out doesn't happen for other mail sign ons or submit buttons

Anonymous said...

Its very simple to catch blog posting.

Let say when you click "Publish" and lets say it calls URL like:

All you need to set proxy to deny such URLs and instead show customized page.

BtNet can do it too! LOL.


P.S. See u after 8 days now. Going Garvi Gujarat!