Thursday, July 06, 2006

The biggies schlafen

Have a look at each of these blogs in the list here

None of the blogs in this venerable list have any update about the Mumbai monsoons. As I said, many of them stay in Mumbai and have been known to be socially responsible citizens in the blogosphere. They are contributors to various blogsites espousing social and civic issues.

But this serious calamity doesn't elicit a word from the cognoscenti. Surprising, since, we have updates about Wimbeldon, World Cup, the aging bikini and what not.

Something is seriously wrong


Anonymous said...

I think that's because you are at ground level and they may be in high rises. :)


Abhi T said...

Literally and figuratively as well, that may be true.
But on the ground level, I must say that the rains don't just affect the ground floor residents. Everytime the water rises, the power is cut off, to avoid short circuit. Affects everyone.
Everyone has to move their vehicles to higher grounds.
And then, its not as if you are OK. You have flooded pot-holed roads, non-functional trains/buses to contend with.
I am sure no one is beyond these problems