Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Mom, see I can talk sense!!

It's not like, I am losing objectivity in my idle idolatry of CNBCTV18 and disapproval of NDTV. Check out Mediaah, the most informed site about Indian media also seconds me (I commented first, you see). Article dated February 11

Anyway, more stuti-suman for CNBC-TV18 anchors. I never mentioned Udayan Mukherjee earlier. Its only because, the women just make you drool like an adolescent teenager and everything else is a pink blur. But seriously, Udayan is almost the best anchor in the country, right now. Or ever. Unlike the others, he is a fin. analyst first and thenan anchor . While talking stocks/market/deals with other consultants, he will first give his ideas, intersperse his talk with fa. and fi., some interesting but vital insight and then ask the consultant for his opinion. All this without the know-it-all air. His discussions are never callow or meandering. Of course, all that comes with tight programming (he ignores callers deviating from their pre-determined questions) and great research. Yet, his knowledge and finesse is quite remarkable.

Then there is Abhimanyu Radhakrishnan, who is just a perfect fit for gadget/technology show that he hosts. Again, a smooth, flawless delivery, great screen presence and nice sense of humour. In fact, I have this nagging feeling that I saw this guy at IITM jam sessions at Sarang, 2001. Hmmm.. Let me focus my mental powers and try to bring back memories of 4 years and 12th day to this one. AAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All this without the know-it-all air .. because he does not know a THING !