Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Titular pains

The training is over. There was another starting today for 3 more days. But boss says "Enough training, get back to work". So am back to the grind.

Noticed that one of the blogs I had bookmarked, has actually lifted a title from one of my posts. Of course, he could genuinely have thought of the pun within a span of a few days. And it was just a coincidence. And it's after all, nothing but a title. yet it bugs me. The guy has even deleted my comment I posted at his blog.
His post follows along the lines I had written mine, though is very much different in text. Certainly, he hasn't done a Rohan Pinto on me. Still...

Well, may be I am bugged coz he stole just the title and didn't deem it worthy stealing my whole post. Boo... hoo...hoo.

1 comment:

shyam said...

I have posted about your allegations on my blog. However, I do not know why you are claiming that I have deleted your comments since I have not done anything of the sort. Moderation would requite me to log into blogback, which I have not done in ages.

I believe it must have been something not working as it is meant to work (browser cache, network error etc) at your end. If that is the case, please do retract the allegation.